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You are invited to The Garden

Welcome to The Garden. You are invited…To consider and contemplate. To pray and create. To immerse and interact. To encounter Jesus.

“Come, watch and pray with me” 

Crying out to the Father again and again

“Can’t you stay awake?”

“Take this cup from me”

Sweat dripping like blood 

“My soul is crushed”

“Your will be done”

Handed over with the kiss of a friend 

Arrested and heading for death

Disciples shocked and fleeing 

Dreams and expectations abandoned

God’s salvation plan unfolding  

“The time has come”

The Disciples Asleep

Jesus knows that the time has come. Crucifixion and humiliation await him. He asks the disciples, his friends and followers, to come and pray with Him. They enter the Garden on the Mount of Olives. Jesus moves away, a little, to pray. His friends are weary and heavy lidded, the quiet and still night seeping in. They fall asleep. Jesus is wrestling with His decision and praying alone.

How do you feel?

Read and reflect on Matthew 26: 40-41; Luke 22:45a

It was Empty

Whether you consider your cup to be half empty or half full. Perhaps you consider it overflowing… with the abundances of joy or love, or with choices and confusion.


Right now you find yourself in The Garden. Jesus found himself in the garden. His cup was not half full, not half empty in fact not even overflowing. It was Empty.


He made a choice, one that felt overwhelming and heavy – but choices often are.

He didn’t want this cup.

He asked for it to be taken away…

Think about how you see your cup today… consider your choices.

Jesus in the Garden

The hour is coming. The pressure on Jesus begins to mount. The weight of it. The pain of it. His sweat drops like blood from his body. Surrender will come.


Read Luke 22: 39-46; Mark 14: 35


Think of a time in your life when you felt under the most pressure?

How did you react?

What did you say or do?

Who did you turn to?

How did you get through this time in your life?

As you are immersed in The Garden, you may have some thoughts or prayers and we would love to hear about them. Why not fill out the form below so we can collate all the thoughts and comments you have from your experience in The Garden


A place of Friendship/Prayer/Petition/Pain/ Grief/Surrender/Betrayal...
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If you could go back what would you do differently? Imagine a different outcome.
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The weight of a decision & the evasion of a politician
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He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree; so that, having died to sins, we might live for righteousness.
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Jesus’ mercy, love and grace shining out through the pain and punishment.
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