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"The same hand that stilled the seas stills your guilt.

The same hand that cleansed the Temple cleanses your heart.

The hand is the hand of God. The nail is the nail of God. And as the hands of Jesus opened for the nail, the doors of heaven opened for you."

Picture the Cross.

Picture Jesus nailed to it.

Jesus’ mercy, love and grace shining out through the pain and punishment.


The Cross is a significant, valuable and poignant symbol of faith, but for those first disciples on Good Friday it was an instrument of torture that took Jesus away from them. As they stood in gazing distance of the cross, as they reflected on the fact that they had let their friend and teacher down, the cross was not a symbol for good but seeming crushing defeat.

Picture the Cross.

Read Luke 23:44-56

Picture the Cross.

Picture the empty Cross.

As you are immersed in The Garden, you may have some thoughts or prayers and we would love to hear about them. Why not fill out the form below so we can collate all the thoughts and comments you have from your experience in The Garden


A place of Friendship/Prayer/Petition/Pain/ Grief/Surrender/Betrayal...
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If you could go back what would you do differently? Imagine a different outcome.
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The weight of a decision & the evasion of a politician
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He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree; so that, having died to sins, we might live for righteousness.
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Jesus’ mercy, love and grace shining out through the pain and punishment.
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